Sunday, October 14, 2018


Morning Routine
1. Make your bed daily - it takes no time & automatically makes your room look more clean.
2.  Eat breakfast - less unhealthy snacking during the day.
3. Try and get up the same time every day - balances your body

Evening Routine
1. Wash dishes right after they are dirtied up, after making dinner - takes less time to clean when you don't leave them
2. Take 10 mins to tidy the house - waking up to a clean house is refreshing.
3. Plan outfits the night before - then you don't have to rush in the morning.
4. Try to go to bed the same time each night.
5. Charge your phone at night only - less time on the phone, save the battery and itll be charged for the day.

Time Management
1. Use your planner to fill in to dos, appointments and anything time related - won't forget and youll be on a schedule.

1. Deal with paper work right away, don't put it into a to do list for later - it'll be done and you won't have to deal with it again.
2. Throw away junk mail asap - it wont be in the way for later.

Finance/Money Habits
1.Keep receipts if necessary in a file - in case you need to return something or watch your spending habits...

1. Wipe down shower/bath after every use - keep up on the cleaning & keep it tidy
2.Always put things back where they go - you'll find things when you need them.
3. When cooking tidy up while you go - less mess for later.
4. Make a shopping list when you run out of things or are very close to running out - dont buy more until you know you're almost out.

Health & Fitness
1. Take a daily vitamin
2.Do some exercise each day.

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